Monday 10 am - 6 pm
Tue - Thu 9 am - 9 pm
Friday 9 am - 5 pm
Saturday 9 am - 4 pm
12100 Snow Road
Parma, Ohio 44130
Phone 440.842.4430
Visa, Discover, American Express, and Mastercard Accepted
Walk-ins Welcome Appointments Preferred

Your privacy is important to us. We use return email addresses to answer the email we receive. Such addresses are not used for any other purpose and are not shared with outside parties.
Contact Us by Phone
Phone is much faster than e-mail. Give us a call at:
Contact Us Online
Please complete the fields below. More specific information from
you helps to ensure the fastest and most accurate response possible.
//Configure Variables
//Enter here the Email address to which you want to direct all the mails
$recepient = "";
//Enter subject of the email to you e.g. feedback from site etc.
$subject = "Message from Contact Us page.";
//Enter header with any additional information you may want to be sent with the form
$mailheader = "From:";
//Insert the directory for the Form processor relative to directory where this form is located.
//For this example the processor is in the same directory as the Form.
$processdir = "";
//Message to be displayed on the senders screen after the sender's name if the Form is sent successfully.
$sent = "Your message has been sent successfully. Thank you for contacting Total Eclips Salon";
//Message to be displayed on the senders screen after the sender's name if the attempt to send the form fails.
$failed = "Sorry, your message not be sent. Please try again later. If the problem persists please contact us by email or phone.";
//#################DO NOT CHANGE FROM HERE###############
$formprocessor = $processdir . "processform.php";
// Sets up hidden fields for form and opens the form tag
echo "